Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dying Young

Remain young to the very end. A really alive person remains young while he is dying. When Socrates was dying he was very young. To the very end, to the last moment, he was so youthful, so curious to know about death, so enchanted, that he went again and again and asked the person who was preparing poison for him- because he was sentenced to death through poisoning- he asked again and again and again: How much more time will you take, because it is now time! Why are you making it late? and the man who was preapring the poison started crying. He said :I am delaying it knowingly, so that you can live a little longer. But why are you in so much hurry to die? Socrates said: Life i have seen; death i have not seen yet, hence i am more curious abouth death than about life.

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