Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Epilogue of Crime and Punishment

The novel's epilogue focuses on Raskolnikov's experiences as a convict in Siberia.
Raskolnikov initially feels a deep sense of alienation from his fellow prisoners. During
Lent and Easter, he falls ill, and he has a strange dream in which everyone in the
world becomes infected with a disease that causes each person to believe that he or
she is the sole bearer of truth. The deluded people kill each other, and the world heads toward total collapse. After recuperating from his illness, Raskolnikov walks to a
riverbank and gazes at the landscape. Sonya appears at his side. Suddenly,
Raskolnikov is seized with an entirely new sensation of love and compassion. Both he
and Sonya realize that something profound has occurred within his soul. Love has
raised him from the dead, and he will become a new man. Dostoyevsky concludes his
novel by stating that the story of Raskolnikov's regeneration might be the subject of a
new tale, but that the present one has endeded.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith

The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, by Thomas Keneally, tells the story of Jimmie Blacksmith, a man of mixed race, who goes on a killing spree in Australia in 1900. Keneally traces Jimmie's life, showing how he faced discrimination and oppression based solely on his race and how this eventually boiled over into an uncontrollable wrath. Taken from a fragment of Australian history, Keneally weaves together a fictional account of Jimmie Blacksmith's actions and his subsequent fugitive journey.

Jimmie is initiated into the Mungindi tribe, but he grows disillusioned and travels with Rev. and Mrs. Neville as they move to a new town. They encourage him to aim for a higher social status. They tell him that he should work to earn money for land and that he should marry a white girl from a farm. Driven by his ambitions and pride, he seeks work but finds that the white world wants little to do with him. His employers, including the police, treat him with contempt and distrust. They cheat him out of hard earned pay and Jimmie has little recourse but to accept it.

Meanwhile, Jimmie engages in a sexual relationship with a white kitchen maid named Gilda. When she becomes pregnant, they make plans to marry and find housing. Jimmie goes to work for the Newby family doing fencing and then sends for Gilda. When her baby is born, he realizes that the child is not his.

Several of Jimmie's relatives, Tabidgi Jackie Smolders, Mort, and Peter, arrive to bring him his initiation tooth from the tribe, which they believe will offer him protection from his white marriage. However, Mr. Newby seeks to drive off Jimmie's relatives, refusing to advance Jimmie money for food for his family. Goaded by Mr. Newby's arrogance and harshness, Jimmie reacts with revenge, killing Mr. Newby's wife, daughters, and a schoolteacher, Miss Graf. Thereafter, Jimmie and his family flee. Eventually Gilda, her baby, Peter, and Tabidgi are left behind, and Jimmie and Mort continue on.

In further retribution, Jimmie then enacts revenge on the Healy family, who he also worked for and was cheated by. He and Mort are almost caught on several occasions but manage to evade their pursuers, who include Miss Graf's fiancé, Dowie Stead. They take a schoolteacher hostage and force him to continue on with them. The schoolteacher, McCreadie, manages to convince Jimmie that he should go on without them as he is damaging Mort's native soul. Mort, who carries McCreadie to a farmer's house and sets him free, is later killed. Still on the run, Jimmie is shot trying to cross a river. He eventually takes refuge in a convent, where he hides in the guest room, coming out only when the nuns go to pray, but he is eventually captured and sentenced to death. As the novel ends, Tabidgi is hanged and Jimmie is awaiting the same fate.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

ഒരു പൂവിന്‍റെ മൂന്നിതള്‍് പൊഴിഞ്ഞു...........

പ്രതിഭകള്‍ പൊലിഞ്ഞു പോയി കൊണ്ടേ ഇരിക്കുന്നു .ഈ കഴിഞ്ഞ രണ്ട്‌ മാസത്തിനുള്ളില്‍ മലയാളികള്‍ക്ക് നഷ്ടമായത് മൂന്ന് വ്യക്തിത്വങ്ങളെ ....നീലക്കുയിലിലൂടെ സ്റ്റില്‍ ഫോട്ടോഗ്രാഫര്‍ ആയി മലയാള സിനിമ ലോകത്തേക്ക് കടന്നു വന്ന ശോഭന പരമേശ്വരന്‍ നായര്‍ അന്തരിച്ചതിനു തൊട്ടുപിന്നാലെയായിരുന്നു കേരളത്തിന്‍െ നീര്‍മാതളം പൊഴിഞ്ഞത് .എഴുത്തിന്റെ വഴികളില്‍ സ്വന്തം വ്യക്തിമു‌ദ്ര പതിപ്പിച്ച കമല എന്ന എഴുത്തുകാരി മരിച്ചപോള്‍ നമുക്ക്‌ നഷ്ടമായത് മഹത്തായ ഒരു സാഹിത്യ ലോകമാണ് ... മാധവികുട്ടിയുടെ ആരാധകനായ ലോഹിതദാസിനെയും മരണം കീഴടക്കിയതും തികച്ചും അപ്രതീക്ഷിതമായിട്ടാണ്. അദ്ദേഹം ആദ്യം സംവിധാനം ചെയ്ത ഭൂതകണ്ണാടി എന്ന ചിത്രം ഒരു പ്രേക്ഷകന്റെയും മനസ്സില്‍ നിന്നും മായില്ല ..ഈ പ്രതിഭകളെ മരണത്തിനു മാത്രമേ കീഴടക്കാനാകു...മലയാളീ മനസ്സില്‍ ഇവര്‍ ഇന്നും ചിരന്ജീവികള്‍ ആണ്...........

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Reality Bites

Every form of art needs experimentations, explorations and inovations to keep on breathing. Deadlines 24x7 is a test tube in which a new blen is preapred. If film can be taken as the art of mixing sounds and visuals, thisn film is a combination of them for sure.

This film unflods the story of an ambitious teenage girl the rise and fall of an aspiring talent. Through a series of shots thins film relates to the viewer how varsha a girl from an ordinary background reaches the glitzy world of modelling, radio jockeying and tv and film acting through a reality show. Soon the media takes her up and she suddenly sees herself in the limelight.

After making her popular the media now pesters her everywhere. She and anything related to her are closely followed by the prying eye of the media. A very simple issue related to her brother is taken up by the news channels and makes her life a hell. Even after her suicide the media relents to leave, now after her sister.

The most striking feature of this film is the juxtapostion of totally dissociating sound tracks with the visuals. It creates a sort of ironic tension in form as well as content.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Lonely Soul

The lonely soul wanders
Alone in the walks of life
No other soul as his companion
The lonely soul wanders

Alone in the daybreak
He does his duties
In the walks of life
The lonely soul wanders

Alone in the life
He meets many other souls
Who comes to be
Unfit for the lonely soul
The lonely soul wanders

As the days pass by
The lonely soul became
More lonely, with no other
souls as his companion
The lonely soul wanders

Alone in the walks of life
The lonely soul decides
Not to die, but to face
Life in all its hardships
The lonely soul wanders